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Financial Services

Lightning-fast Speed and High Dependable System with All-time Availability for User-sensitive Applications

With the continuous increase of data that banks, insurance industry, and other financial institutions require, a powerful, dynamic, and secured storage solution is the perfect answer for such need. However, this demand has also increased the level of difficulty and complexity for IT personnel when purchasing or deploying such system.

Infortrend storage systems provide reliable and dependable solutions with fast response time, massive capacity, and high stability to ensure data availability and security. Data loss and disk failures are prevented with the support of IDR (Intelligent Drive Recovery), which ensures online service quality and safety from rebuild impact and SED (Self-Encrypted Drives), which ensures privacy of sensitive data and avoids detrimental results during data/disk loss.

All Flash Memory Speeds Up Application Response Time

Ultra-high speed of 700K IOPS with a latency of less than 0.5ms for a quicker application response such as OLTP, databases, and virtualization.

Enhanced Performance and Efficiency with SSD Hybrid Storage
  • Automatic storage data tiering meets speed and performance requirements when running databases and VDI.
  • Maximum capacity of 4PB to store more customer information and use of numerous services.
Lightning-fast Speed and High Dependable System with All-time Availability for User-sensitive Applications

Financial Data Centers

  • High available, active dual controllers ensure financial business continuity
  • Store snapshots in all flash storages and sync to public cloud via network
  • Obtain snapshots from cloud storage or remote backup when local storage requires disaster recovery or when local snapshots are lost
  • Sync local data to public cloud via the storage devices
Financial Data Centers
Supercharge Your Storage Solutions

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